Monday, September 7, 2009

after 1 week...

after one week of are some things. 

class is really boring. I mean, class is always really boring. Maybe its just more boring because I can't look forward to play playstation when i get home :( 

I got sick like the day after I got to school. due to the recent paranoia surrounding swine flu (or whatever it is now...koreans call it something different) i decided not to tell anyone and just skipped a whole bunch of orientation shit and stayed in my room for two days...didn't want to get randomly quarantined or some shit. Yes, I'm fine now. 

I'm generally bored like all the time now. Not that I'm not doing anything, but I just feel somewhat disenchanted by everything right now. Oh well, I'm sure it'll pass. 

eh...guess thats not much. I'll come up with more later.

PS: fried chicken is amazing here. OMG


  1. i kinda picked up photography in a serious way during a summer where i was disenchanted by everything.. maybe you'll find your own way young grasshopper.

  2. did you think asia would be a blur of extravagant fun? only 59% of the time (86% if you're just vacationing like i was this summer). the rest is just kind of "meh."
