Thursday, June 25, 2009

Transformers 2

This has very little relevance to Korea, but I just felt like sharing my thoughts.

I'll say there is...minimal spoilers in this. 

Michael Bay kind of sucks as a director, but he suurreee knows what eye candy is. 

I could probably leave it at that...but naaahh.

My biggest issue with the movie was inconsistent level of attention on all the characters as a whole. You barely realize Ratchet, who was in the first movie, was even in the 2nd movie. I sort of picture, after the first movie, Michael Bay getting a whole lot into the transformers series and losing his whole badass edgy movie shit...because there is some interesting shit at the end. 

Oh and to all the people calling the movie racist...get a fucking life. 

Someone(something...) gets stabbed in the middle. I felt like i got stabbed too. 

But was alright. The suck was cooled over by some ridiculous 50 foot robot on 50 foot robot go watch it...just because you're kind of obligated to as it is THAT summer movie. 

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Paperwork and bureaucrats

So, this past Monday probably ought to mark the beginning of my travels into the Tigers of Asia, so they say in the business world, so it seems like I might as well begin this blog of mine to illustrate for you, the reader, my exploits. 

Anywho, Monday I submitted my Visa appliation. Yay. First bit of paperwork, which felt pretty accomplishing. 
Tuesday, I started the class approval process. My economics advisor approved everything. Yay.
Today, I hope to get the rest of my shit approved. Lets hope that goes cleanly. 
AAANNNDDD I have some contract stuff I have to get cleared as well with the Study Abroad office. Its slightly annoying because I was not informed of all this waayyy back in January or anytime afterward. 

Yea, this is just the boring stuff, really. Probably more exciting stuff next week. 
