Thursday, August 20, 2009

sports freestyle

Jay Cutler is a walking talking vagina.

Michael Vick should play.

The Memphis Grizzlies, if they sign Allen Iverson, are going to explode. Literally. there will be a crater where there used to be the city of Memphis.

Seriously, Jay Cutler should walk around with a baseball bat shoved up his ass.

Clippers are going to surprise. (seriously, look at their starting 5. its not playoff-worthy)

David Khan just might be the dumbest GM since Matt Millen.

Ramon Sessions should've been signed like5 months ago to a max deal. This guy is a STUD

Speaking of douchebag QB's...Brett Favre is a pile of douche too.

The Mavericks aren't going to do anything. Again

The suns are going to suck. AGAIN

Anthony Randolph is the shiznit. So is Aron Brooks.

Ricky Rubio belongs with favre and cutler in like the 3rd circle of hell or something

If we took Magic, Jordan, Barkley, Malone, and Ewing, and put them up against Paul, Kobe, Lebron, Carmelo, and Dwight. Who would win? My money's still on the old-schoolers

Monday, August 17, 2009

new hobbies

So, as I've previously mentioned, I'm considering the whole neo-cool-awesome trend of photography.

There are actually some very quality photo moments here in Korea. There is a river that splits the city right down the middle and there are numerous bridges here that gives you some interesting angles and perspectives.

Another thing I'm considering, is a martial art. I've been doing some research on it. Taekwondo seems like the obvious route, as I am in Korea. However, Taekwondo relies more on the foot than the fist, as the foot allows you to have more space between you and your opponent.

Honestly, I'm just not much of a kicker. I like using my hands more.

Which leaves me with several options. Wing Chun is something I haven't heard of but seems great for what i'm looking for. However the nearest place in Korea is a little over an hour away by subway. There is a place in Beaver County, but...yea.

Muay Thai seems like an obvious choice, but that style seems more...chaotic, and less centered on any sort of philisophical principle other than kill your foe as fast as possible.

So in the end I'll probably just take Taekwondo at the university.

The search will continue...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

1 month has past

1 month and then some. Honestly I don't really feel like I've kept you guys too much in the dark, but if so, my apologies. 

I've become somewhat bored lately; I no longer go to bed mad early (because of jet lag) and now i'm up til around 1 or 2 just in front of the computer. It used to be that I would come home, eat dinner, then go to sleep. Oh well. 

My korean is...progressing. slightly. Its cool. I like to think by the time I get back i'll have it down. I could probably write about 70 percnt of this in korean, which is good. 

Anywho, i've given considerable thought to buying an SLR camera, which would make this blog infinitely more interesting. I'll know by the end of hte month. 

Anyways I haven't really done anything especially exciting...drank a bit, ate some stuff...nothing weird. 

Boo suggested writing about an observation...which is...: Korean's are crazy tall.' real.